Damien Duncan is a qualified migration agent. Damien works for Australian Entry Visa & Immigration Service, a subsidiary of M Duncan & Associates where he also works in the capacity office manager. The migration service has an independent website https://www.australianentryvisaservice.com
After graduating from University, Damien obtained employment with the Australian Government Solicitor’s Office for over 10 years, initially as head para legal, dealing with return of subpoenas, mentions and attendances at the Dust Diseases Tribunal. He then became the Employment advocate for the AGS, drafted employment contracts and attended the Industrial Relations Tribunal. Subsequent to that he became the Resources manager for the Australian Government Solicitor.
Damien assisted in many high-profile cases including, the Beech King Sydney Airport disaster, the Voyager case, Maralinga and Badraie v Commonwealth of Australia and Others (a prominent asylum seeker case). His role involved him with investigation of claims, interviewing witnesses, taking proofs of evidence etc.
Along with majors in Industrial Relations and Political Science Damien also holds a Master of Labour Law and Industrial Relations. When he left the Attorney Generals Department Damien was employed in the private sector for several years, before operating his own business investigating workers compensation claims, insurance claims and motor vehicle accidents, for several years. Prior to transferring his skills and experience to work with our firm while pursuing additional study to qualify as a migration agent.
Damien draws on his past business experience to inform his practice to help clients with visa and citizenship applications for themselves and their loved ones.
In his role as Office Manager, Damien is often the first person people speak to when they contact our office. He is responsible for the troubleshooting the usual administrative issues which arise in running a business.
Areas of expertise
As a migration agent Damien observes all requirements to maintain up to date knowledge on the changes to migration law in Australia and keep up to date with information ancillary to that area of law.
Damien has been able to advise clients not only directly about their applications but caution them about consequences of potential actions: for instance, a client of our firm is an Australian citizen who while living overseas was in a de-facto relationship but separated from her partner and returned to Australia to live permanently. Later her former partner requested she sponsor him as a visitor to Australia. Damien was able to give advice of the potential consequences if she did so, which may have been adverse to her financially based on the particular circumstances.
Damien has identified for some of our clients living and working in Australia relying on business visas that they have not correctly renewed their right to reside in Australia and has alerted them to what they needed to do to renew their visas. This has beneficial for some clients wanting to travel home for a visit to family. It has also been helpful in some of our family law matters when the issue of determining the jurisdiction of Australian courts has been important.
Damien was awarded a Bachelor of Arts from UNSW majoring in Industrial relations and political science and a Master of Labour Law and Industrial Relations (MLLBR) from Sydney University. He also has a Graduate Certificate in Australian Migration Law and Practice from Australian National University and an OHS Certificate in Risk Management.
In his private life Damien for many years has coached athletics on a voluntary basis throughout summer and winter seasons. He has held senior executive roles in Athletics trying to develop the sport and promote the welfare of young athletes. Some of his athletes have gone onto considerable success. The City of Botany Bay awarded him a Certificate of Recognition of Volunteer Services (to Athletics).