Humanitarian Visas

Australia operates a dedicated Humanitarian Visa Program, that offers resettlement for refugees and other overseas individuals who are in dire humanitarian need and also require protection. Despite opinions to the contrary Australia is one of the world’s most generous...Read More

How to lodge Visitor Visa applications

In September 2021, the Department of Home Affairs (the Department) introduced 100 per cent online lodgement for Visitor visas (subclass 600) with the implementation undertaken in two phases. Under the first phase, 100 per cent online lodgement was introduced for all...Read More

What can you do if your visa application is refused?

Having a visa application refused can be extremely disappointing, particularly after spending considerable time completing forms, gathering documents and having paid the relevant fee, which is generally only refundable in limited circumstances. Visa applications in...Read More

New restrictions for people seeking to leave Australia

The “Outward Travel Restrictions Operation Directive” that came into force in March this year gives prospective travellers leaving Australia additional regulations to contend with. The directive states that Australian “citizens and permanent residents must not travel...Read More